Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Looking for Your Big Vision? Notice What "Sparkles"

Rain "sparkles" by me

A friend who is between jobs recently asked me, "Is there one piece of advice you would give to a creative person when they are looking for their next job, or project?"

I responded, "Notice what 'sparkles' for you."

I think of "sparkles" as things that make you smile, makes time fly, or that you all of a sudden become very curious about (even if you don't understand why).

If you are a "creative" type, you already know that most creative projects don't usually happen in a straight line: A to Z. They often begin with something small: a craving for an ingredient, a phrase you can't stop thinking about, an attraction to a color, or a problem that piques your interest. My experience has been that if you follow that sparkle, and the next one and the next one, they will take you on a curvy route to your next big vision.

If you're in the middle of a transition and trying to figure out what to do next, follow you sparkles, even if they don't make logical sense. They will light the way.

Try this:

Over the next three days, notice what "sparkles" for you:

  • What brings you joy?
  • What are you attracted to?
  • What are you curious about?

Capture your "sparkles" in your journal, in a conversation with a friend, or with photos.

  • Are there any themes that run through all of your sparkles?
  • How can you bring more of what sparkles into your life?

* I will be moving Have Fun, Do Good over to my website,  If you would like to receive my posts via email or RSS, the prompts to subscribe are at the bottom of

Monday, September 15, 2014

Big Vision Tip: Stay on Track. Text Your Big Vision Buddy

About a year and a half ago my friend Heather and I decided to try the Oprah and Deepak 21-Day Meditation Experience. To make sure we completed it, we texted each other right after we meditated. There were many mornings when I would "forget" to meditate (isn't it funny how our minds do that when we're resisting something?), and her text would prompt me to do it.

It worked so well that even when the 21 days were over, we continued to text each other after we meditated. A year and half later, our meditation practices certainly aren't perfect, but they're so much a part of our lives that we no longer text about it. We've moved on to new projects!

Heather is working on finishing her book, and I'm trying to get back into the swing of regular blogging, so now we text each when we're going to write, and when we finish. Once again, it's working! I'm posting here for the first time in almost two months.

It's such a simple process, but one that has made a huge difference in our lives.

Below are a few tips for texting with your Big Vision Buddy:

    • Pick a Big Vision Buddy who is also working on a project, or habit. It's more fun for the support to be two-way, rather than one-way. 
    • Also, your Buddy should be someone who you aren't competitive with, or who isn't emotionally invested in the completion of your goal, or project.
    • Nudge don't judge. If your Buddy hasn't texted you in a while, gently ask them how things are going, and how you can support their getting back on track.

    Big Vision to-dos for you:

    • Pick a project, or habit you would like to work on this week, this month, or this fall.
    • Ask someone to be your Big Vision Buddy.
    • Start texting!

    Speaking of which, I'm going to go text Heather now!

    Photo of Heater by In Her Image Photography

    * I will be moving Have Fun, Do Good over to my website,  If you would like to receive my posts via email or RSS, the prompts to subscribe are at the bottom of