I had a blanket when I was little, did you? Mine was soft and yellow with a yellow satin edging, and I believed that whenever I sat under it, I was invisible.
In the past month or so I've heard about two lovely projects, Project Linus and Project Sweet Dreams.
I heard about Project Linus through an episode of the 501(c)3cast. Project Linus coordinates volunteers to sew, knit and quilt handmade blankets for seriously ill and traumatized children. You can find a chapter near you here.
Project Sweet Dreams is a community based Roots and Shoots campaign organized by a friend of mine, Debra Rosenman, to raise awareness about biomedical lab chimps. The campaign is organizing schools in the Santa Fe area to donate 600 blankets to the Save the Chimps (STC) sanctuary in Alamogordo, New Mexico. In the wild, chimps make a new bed each night, so the sanctuary needs lots of clean blankets to make the chimps feel at home. You can get more information about Project Sweet Dreams by calling (505) 466-0007.
image via www.petroglyphsnm.org
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