Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Celebrity Gossip Without the Guilt

I consume way too much celebrity gossip. I've got Pink is the New Blog and A Socialite's Life in my feed reader; buy US Weekly and People to "send to my grandma" (which I do, after I've read them); will flip back and forth between Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood if I'm home alone (my husband is a sensible man who thinks America's celebrity culture is gross), and don't even try to schedule anything the night of the Golden Globes.

So how happy was I when the blogger, Eco Chick, wrote a post about the celebrity-filled Rainforest Action Network benefit gala (oh, to have been there), and mentioned the blog, ecorazzi, which highlights green celebrities. Fun!

Check out the eco-celebrity sites from their sidebar:

Daryl Hannah
Woody Harrelson
Leonardo DiCaprio
Ed Begley, Jr.
Ed Norton

Like any good addict, am I deluding myself that this is the "good" celebrity gossip. Probably. Did I add it to my Bloglines account. Yep.

Collage from MyHeritage Face Recognition. Click here to find your celebrity look alike.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I've been reading Daryl Hannah's blog for awhile and have linked to a few of her videoblogs...'cause I think she's got some great stuff there. Just because they're celebrities, doesn't mean they can't 'do good,' too...right? :)


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