To enter, all you had to do was leave a comment that completed the sentence, TODAY I WILL . . . with a have fun do good idea. Below are how 25 people said they would have fun and do good:
- MAfrika: Complete my EVOLVE missions and thanks to you - I now have a mentor too...
- Niels Teunis: Enjoy the sun with a good friend!
- Elliot: Bug some friends to donate to CDI Chile's earthquake-relief project.
- Sylvia-Louise: Tell the people in my life "I love you" and smile at strangers as we meet.
- Melissa Hayes: Chase my dreams
- Kayla: Put work aside and focus on my family.
- Slappy Walker: Keep it all in perspective.
- Elisse: Hug my best friend for as long and as tight as possible!
- Lauren: Take all of the stuffing out of a pillow & sprinkle it on my son's floor. (Last night he said he really wants to see snow... we live in Florida!)
- Cami: Be so happy to daydream about our upcoming trip to Napa for my best friend's 30th birthday.
- sallyc: Breathe deeply and live in joy!
- paige: I will meditate, giving thanks for what I have, and for what I lack
- Ginger: Today I will be thankful for my many blessings!
- Mary Daniel Hobson: Give myself time and space to be creative.
- Stephanie: Call a recent volunteer with a very personal thank you. I wish I had time to talk individually with them all!
- TommyGirl: Take ten minutes for myself to think about all the good things in my life and be greatful.
- iHanna: Spread metta into the world! :-)
- Just_Kelly: Live, laugh, and love!
- ramblingandruminating: Make one person's life easier.
- Vana: Remind the people around me of how much I love them.
- Flynn: Put away my laundry and read poetry.
- eatyourveggies: Today I will email you about coaching/consulting and start reading Creating a Life Worth Living, which you told me about!
- Amorouscents: Thank my family and friends for their love and support, and I will continue to follow my dreams.
- Anonymous: Give my niece a big hug and a big kiss, and then get captivated by the most precious smile on all the universe!
- Gabriela Masala: Stay grounded amidst big changes and move with loving presence through the world.
If you decide to purchase your own TODAY I WILL . . . fill in the blank tiny text bowl, $5 of your purchase will be donated to Doctors Without Borders to support their work in Haiti.