Thursday, February 14, 2013

Host an ARTBreak in your community

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." ~  Pablo Picasso

Do you think you get more done if you focus, nose-to-the-grindstone, or if you take lots of breaks?

According to a recent New York Times article, Relax! You'll Be More Productive, taking frequent breaks, naps, vacations, and sleeping longer help us to do more, not less. I'd love to see a study about if you're more productive after making art during your break. I bet you are.

September 6, 2013 is ARTBreak Day, a project of Art is Moving. During ARTBreak Day, Art Sites are set up in cities for people to take a break, and make art for free.

To facilitate more cities' participating in ARTBreak Day, Art is Moving is offering an Artist in Residence program for artists to bring ARTBreak Day to their communities. Each Artist in Residence will receive $500 in art supplies, guidance from Art is Moving's co-founders, and promotional materials to help them create an Art Site on ARTBreak Day in their city. Click here for more information about how to apply. The application deadline is April 1, 2013.

 Do you take ARTbreaks?


  1. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I have never heard of an ARTBreak before, but I think it is a great idea. I agree that taking breaks does help in the long run. This form of a break is not only good for the self but gives you a chance to meet others and do something fun. I think more communities should look into this!

    1. Hi Samantha,

      I agree: "I think more communities should look into this!"

  2. I'm a parent of young children, and I am continually struck by how many of the strategies that help children focus and be healthy and happy (good sleep, good food, access to the outdoors) are actually really good for adults, too. People are often amazed that I can parent during the day and be productive until late in the evening, but I think it's because those childlike habits recharge us. Great idea!

    1. Hi Melinda,

      Such a good point. Why need to continue "parenting" ourselves even after we become adults.

  3. When I finally got a break, I had a steady creative streak in music, which lasted 4 years, but from which I am now taking a mini-break to crochet :)

  4. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Dear Stamford Community Members,

    We'd like to share a quick reminder to apply for a spot on Stamford 2035 Comprehensive Plan Technical Advisory Committee as a Neighborhood Ambassador. This is a fantastic chance to represent and contribute to Stamford's future, so please take action if you're interested! To apply, please submit your application (linked here and on our website) by Sunday, October 13th at 11:59pm.

    If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out by replying to this email. Thank you for your consideration.


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