Thursday, July 10, 2008

Would Love Your Feedback on My New Web Site

My re-designed web site is up at Hooray!

Big thanks to my designer, Ross Chapman.

I'd love to hear any suggestions and feedback you have about it. As many of you know, web sites are always a work in progress.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I love the clean layout. One thought - you might some kind of credential summary on the front page.

  2. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Site looks great Britt! Clean and concise, with simple, straight forward explanations of your services. Potential clients will love it!

    Your work has most certainly made a BIG difference in our campaign to end mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia.

    Thanks for joining the Blogger's Challenge and putting a widget on your homepage.

    With the widget, you've recruited 5 bloggers into the challenge, and 6 people have pledged to help end mountaintop removal!

    Thanks for doing such amazing work!

  3. Hi Alanna,

    Do you mean something in addition to the About page?


    I hope the campaign is going well! Wish I could have recruited more folks for ya.

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I was thinking right on the front instead of needing a link to an about page. Give us a reason to click on the "about," I guess.

  5. Britt - I just visited your homepage and am *very* impressed! Your service offerings are super clear and inviting! Congrats!!

    The only suggestion I might have is to showcase your clients in some way -- the quotations are excellent -- potentially adding a Clients tab or Client logos to the homepage?

  6. Gotcha, Alanna, thanks!

    Joe, yes, a clients section is a good idea.

    Thanks to both of you for your suggestions.

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Looks good. Simple, straight forward, direct. However, the big quote mark facing the wrong direction is throwing my typography sense for loop.

  8. Thanks, Peter! I'll check with the designer about the quote direction.


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