Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Square Foot Garden

I spent the weekend getting my garden ready for Fall. It is a small space that up until now I have only planted flowers in, but I think I am going to try putting in some winter vegetables. In Northern California you can still grow veggies like lettuce, spinach, leeks and chard.

If you have only a small space for a garden, I saw this link on Hugg.com to a post that describes how to build a square foot garden (photo above).

I thought this was a really cool way to have a garden in a small space, and could be a great tool for school gardens.

Photo from Frostcall.com


  1. This is an outstanding idea. Gardening is very good for your health. If you have a small space you can make a beautiful garden with your creativity. You can plant different kinds of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. It will also be beneficial for you. You can use them in your food and it makes you busy and gives you a fresh feel.

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  4. Engaging in gardening is not only a delightful hobby but also offers a range of health benefits for both body and mind. The act of nurturing plants and being surrounded by nature can have a positive impact on our overall well-being.

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  8. By dividing the garden into square foot sections, gardeners can maximize the use of limited space, whether it's in a backyard, balcony, or raised bed. This allows for efficient planting of a variety of crops in a small area. Its great!


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