Thursday, April 21, 2011

Juicy Blogging Giveaway Reminder

Just a quick reminder that I'm giving away one spot in my June Juicy Blogging e-course.

To enter the raffle, share your favorite juicy blog, along with why you think it's juicy, in the comments of this post, or of the post, 15 Qualities of 20 Juicy Blogs + a Giveaway.

The deadline to enter is Monday, April 25th at 5 PM PT. If you win, you can use it for yourself, or to give as a gift to someone you love (:

Juicy Blogging badge created by the hubs!

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  1. Great blog by the way, the blog I think is juicy is she always has some amazing photographs, her writing style makes you want to read more, she writes beautiful poetry and you'll definitely be in for a treat if you took a trip.


    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  2. So many juicy blogs to choose from. because joy and backing and happiness always brings a smile.And because I can't stop at one: because she is real, funny, vulnerable and wise.

  3. It may sound like a cop-out choice (because she has so many followers), but one of the only blogs I follow regularly is It's written by the author of Cakewrecks, which I also follow. Personally, I almost prefer Epbot, because it shows more of the humans who write it, while bringing in diverse interesting topics.

  4. I SO need this course. My goodness. Ok, the blog I think is juicy is I LOVE her. She's a super-crafty, attachment mommy, progressive DIYer with a thousand great ideas for returning to self-reliant life. What makes it juicy is that she's a Devout Mormon living in Utah. Knowing the context makes the blog seem so much more edgy and impressive!

  5. My favorite juicy blog is written by Aj Leon, and the link is This blog is juicy because he always knows how to connect emotionally with his readers, and he gives practical and inspirational advice for those who want to venture outside of their comfort zone to achieve their potential.

  6. A big thanks to everyone who submitted their favorite juicy blogs. Using Tara's Random Number Generator I picked 2 winning commenters: Janet Foley Orosz of Navigate Lupus Fog, and Sandi Davis of Luscious Life. Both will receive a free spot in my upcoming Juicy Blogging e-course. Congratulations!

    You can see the full list of juicy blogs you recommended at

    If you want to join the Juicy Blogging e-course, it's an investment of $75 if you register before May 25th, and $100 after that, so don't wait to sign up!

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