Thursday, April 12, 2012

7 Ways to Ride the Waves of Challenge

Are any of you going through a rough patch? I have to say that the last little while has been tough for me.  Lots of ups and downs.  I thought I'd share some of the things I've been doing to help myself get through it.  

Color: I've been wearing lots of bright colors, and collecting color inspirations on a Pinterest board.

Connect:  In addition to being able to spend lots of time with the hubs, I'm lucky to have lots of women friends to chat with in-person, and over "Skype tea." In fact, I'm writing this while co-working with Julie Daley, Rachel Cole, and Tara Mohr. Fun! 

I've been trying all kinds of yummy vegetarian and vegan recipes for my other blog, VegCookbook Club.

Cooking, baking, blogging and collage are all creative outlets for me. I'd like to make more time for embroidery.  I have a few Sublime Stitching patterns in my sewing drawer that I'd like to try. 

Move: Walking, yoga, and lots of dancing at my friend Heather's ShimmyPop! class at Hipline, and Yeni Lucero's Zumba class at Flying Yoga. 

Play: Most of the things I mentioned on this list are play for me (: 

Reflect: Every morning I write in my journal, meditate, do yoga, or sometimes all three!

How do you ride the waves of challenge?

Photo of Ghoulie Girls bags
at Who's Your Betty? in Oakland. Their stuff always makes me smile.  How cute is this one?


  1. www.sourcesonsultinggroup.com6:55 AM

    Thanks for your great post, chock full of reminders. I ride the waves in very similar ways. For me, the key is to remember to do what I know to do that keeps me in a state of love, joy, creativity, connection. Sometimes when things are rough, I forget. Within it all, I ride the waves with an over arching wonder and excitement for the adventure of life...remembering it is not happening to me but for me, and that I am total participant, co-creator with this awesome, wild Universe.

  2. Hi Britt

    What I do sometimes is take a day vacation totally away from what I normally do. For example I go to the museum. I open myself to an exhibition or message for which I have no background. I give myself a sincere 150% break from solving my problems or concerns and just try to feel some joy. It reminds me I have more to draw from in the areas where I am struggling. I penned a post recently in which I was looking at how uncomfortable change can be. Specific strategies like those you outline are definitely needed for one's arsenal.

  3. Thanks, Gabriela and Patricia. It's interesting that you both give a similar recommendation, to remind yourself where/when/how you feel joy.


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