Monday, September 03, 2007

Razoo's Speedgranting and Change Your World Contest

Razoo is a social networking platform built to, "promote social good and to inspire others to get involved by making giving and serving fun, easy, and meaningful." It's a sister company of Geneva Global: Performance Philanthropy.

To celebrate their beta launch, they are offering a $10,000 Change Your World Contest Prize to the social change group or organization (this includes non-profits, student groups, volunteer networks, fundraising groups, or other networks organized around social issues) that starts a group on Razoo, and recruits at least 100 members by September 15th. The Razoo community will vote on the winner from the pool of eligible organizations.

Its primary platforms are: The social network itself.
Good Happens: Their blog.
SpeedGranting: A Facebook funding application.
BrewingGood: Face to face meetups they are piloting in Washington DC.

Here's the scoop on their SpeedGranting program:
"SpeedGranting is a tool for the Facebook community to help spread the good by getting funding for worthy projects. It's pretty simple...we (Razoo) set the dollar amount, the theme (e.g. "Children's Health" or "Education"), and the duration for the grant. Any Facebook member involved in a project that needs funding can submit a proposal, outlining things like the problem they are addressing and where the money will go. Once enough people "validate" (vote for) the project, it becomes active and visible to anyone using the SpeedGranting application. At the end of the grant period, we tally the votes and distribute the money to the winner."
At the moment they are accepting proposals for their "Change Your WATER World" Grant Contest until 11:59 pm Sep 14, 2007 EST. The winner will receive $1,000.


  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hi Britt,
    I didn't know you were on Razoo. I just sent you a friend request.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hey Britt,

    Thanks for writing about Razoo here and on NetSquared!

    I love your Have Fun Do Good blog -- this is what Razoo is all about!

    Good Happens:


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